Imagine you own a shoe store. You advertise for a sale, but there’s a typo: a popular pair of shoes you plan to sell for $49.99 is marked for $9.99. The morning of the sale, there’s a line around the block. Do you announce the mistake? Or do you honor the price?
Sometimes, the right decision is clear. Other times, it can be more difficult. It isn’t wrong to correct the ad. After all, the store will make a larger profit. But honoring the printed price will lead to customer loyalty, which in the end may put your business ahead of the competition. And, if you’re honest, honoring the price is just the right thing to do.
Are you willing to do the right thing, even when it’s not easy?
Has your organization found the secret to success?
Create an ethical culture in the workplace, and you’ll give your employees the tools they need to do the right thing. With everyone on the same page, your company as a whole is poised for success. But how do you move towards that culture?
Go above and beyond. If you expect your employees to rise to a certain standard, plan to exceed that standard yourself. Be above reproach. Set goals for company progress and use them as a barometer for all decisions. If something doesn’t fit with your vision, it’s probably not the right choice.
Engage your employees. Take your ethics standards to a new level. Encourage staff involvement in and feedback on company goals. Then listen and move forward accordingly.
Any organization has the potential to succeed. But lasting success comes from habitually doing the right thing. Want to talk more about how to create a healthy ethical culture in your company? Give me a call.