
Falling Apart or Falling Into Place – It’s All A Matter of Perspective

Every had one of those moments when you feel that your world is falling apart?  I have and it’s not fun.  But the question that is often asked is why is this happening to me?

Gallagher Quote - Falling Apart or Falling into Place

Gallagher Quote – Falling Apart or Falling into Place

Perhaps the better question is what is taking place that will create new opportunities and growth for me?

Seems that everything happens for a reason and often when we feel that things are falling apart they are just clearing the way for the next more positive phase of life.

I wrote the book SECOND CHANCES about this very issue.  Often what seems adversity is nothing more than a clearing of old issues from the past when, when cleared, open doors for new and better opportunities.

So ask yourself this question:  What is taking place in my life today that needs clearing or is being cleared?  And then ask, what might just be falling into place that will create for me the opportunity to be more of who I came to this earth to be.

We all have a purpose.  As was said to me:  “Son, you have made a big mistake, but YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE!”  Powerful words and true.  All that was falling apart was just preparing me for what was falling into place.

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