Chuck GallagherEthical Behaviorethics

When Ethical Standards are Lowered, Even Law Enforcement is Arrested

By October 20, 2023 No Comments

When Ethical Standards are Lowered, Even Law Enforcement is ArrestedSometimes, I can learn about an incident so unethical, I can only shake my head because outrage proves insufficient. As a national keynote speaker, lecturer and consultant on ethics, this morning’s news offered a real-life glimpse into what happens when ethical standards are lowered to non-existent.

The Florida Bulldog news, today (October 11, 2023) reported an investigation into the Broward Sherriff’s Office (BSO) where it has been uncovered that anywhere from 50 to 70 employees have been accused of running a huge PPP loan fraud scam. Investigative reporter Dan Christensen stated:

“What I was told is there are 15 to 20 law enforcement officers, meaning street deputies and their supervisors, and the rest being detention deputies — jail guards and civilian employees at the sheriff’s office.”

An Ethical Training Fiasco

Said the investigative reporting team:

“[Those implicated] are up to and including lieutenants…. there have been captains involved, some of whom have been asked to resign most, if not all, that have been implicated in this have been suspended.”

According to the Miami Herald (October 12, 2023):

One BSO deputy, Keith Mahlon Dunkley, is accused of setting up a company called Global Group Alliances and submitting two falsified applications for COVID-19 relief loans. His company received a Paycheck Protection Program loan for $18,540 and another under the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program for $17,500 during the pandemic. On Thursday, Dunkley pleaded not guilty to a conspiracy to commit wire fraud and was released on bond.”

It has been a PPP free-for-all, and the full extent of the scam is unknown. What is known is the range of salaries for BSO employees. Per the government salary finder, and based on 2017 pre-inflationary data:

“Highest salary at Broward Co Sheriff’s Dept in year 2017 was $229,718. Number of employees at Broward Co Sheriff’s Dept in year 2017 was 5,551. Average annual salary was $79,802 and median salary was $78,542. Broward Co Sheriff’s Dept average salary is 70 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 81 percent higher than USA median.”

As a national keynote speaker, lecturer and consultant on ethics, my first reaction is that none of the accused individuals were indigent. The officers involved may well have been approaching $150,000 and more in salaries. They were also being paid pensions, lucrative medical and sick leave benefits not only for themselves but family members.

The Fascination of the Game

The people involved in the department-wide fraud, were oblivious to the ethical consequences of what they were doing. Fraud rests on a lack of oversight or supervision, the need for money or power or something else, and the ability to rationalize.

So, I studied the Miami Herald report about the officer with a good salary and benefits, who formed a totally bogus organization and made a crap decision to receive about $36,000. It will probably wind him in jail, cause him to be terminated, his family shamed and receive massive fines. To what end?

The officer undoubtedly figured that no one cared, there was plenty around for everyone and that none of his bone-headed choices could result in consequences.

My guess as an ethics speaker and consultant is that no one ever bothered to teach him ethics. Meanwhile, he is exactly the person whom the community has charged with upholding the law! The very same government he was supposedly charged with protecting, he scammed with his fraud. All because it was a game devoid of consequence, reason or rationale, other than the fact that the money was there.

What other crimes?

It is now, not difficult, to wonder what other ethical irregularities have been overlooked at BSO? What other scams, cover-ups and acts of fraud have slipped under the radar in years past? What reported workplace acts of sexual abuse, workplace bullying, racism, religious intolerance and gender discrimination never seemed to have gotten reported?

Without strong leadership and stringent ethical standards, my faith in this organization is nonexistent as should be every taxpayer. When ethical standards are lowered, even law enforcement is arrested, or should be. This is a breakdown in ethical culture and has undoubtedly been festering for years.


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