Hire an Ethical Speaker and Consultant with
Real-Life Experience for Real Results
Chuck Gallagher is Helping Companies Reap the Long-Lasting Rewards of Ethical Behavior
Top Companies Rely on Chuck Gallagher
Chuck's Personal Experience is What Makes The Difference
Chuck's Most Requested Keynote Presentations
Other speakers focus on legal issues, Chuck uses personal experience to expose the truth about emotions and ethics.
The Human Side of Ethics >Every Choice has a Consequence
Chuck delivers an unforgettable message based on his own unethical decisions and the consequences that followed.
Every Choice Has a Consequence >Be The Difference
Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
A must-have ethics presentation.
Be The Difference >The Distinction Advantage
A dynamic program that drives home the value of action when it comes to customer service, leadership, and business growth.
The Distinction Advantage >The Ethical Leader
Ethics in the workplace is a serious matter, but talking about it doesn’t have to be “business as usual.”
The Ethical Leader >Effective Communication
An interactive program that connects the dots between our natural personality profiles and our methods of communication.
Effective Communication >Chuck in Action
Pre-Program Questionnaire
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Photos of Chuck
Chuck's Bio
Chuck's Introduction
High-Resolution Images of Chuck Gallagher
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